Thursday 13 August 2015

How AP Reneger got feed AP for (ability power)

This is how AP Reneger got feed by Instalok its a parody of when can I see you again.

Yasuo 1 hour

This is Yasuo 1 hour he is pretty no skill and easy to play i recommend getting him if you have good reaction time unlike my friend Henry he's a scrub once he yelled yes 5 mins after he got first blood on a beginner bot couse we were in a custom me and his quiet good brother vs my better brother and Henry Stepheenson.

Berjson zed vs Faker Leblanc

The top 1 is Bjergson zed highlights the bottom one is Faker Leblanc highlights comment what one you think is better Bjerg or Faker I think Berj's zed do you too?

Orange eater instalok nightcore

this is orange eater instalok nightcore nightcore being at super speed.