Tuesday 17 November 2015


TSMs support
LOL player
Braum god
Quiet little boy
made the JOHN CENA!!!! vines


Thursday 13 August 2015

How AP Reneger got feed AP for (ability power)

This is how AP Reneger got feed by Instalok its a parody of when can I see you again.

Yasuo 1 hour

This is Yasuo 1 hour he is pretty no skill and easy to play i recommend getting him if you have good reaction time unlike my friend Henry he's a scrub once he yelled yes 5 mins after he got first blood on a beginner bot couse we were in a custom me and his quiet good brother vs my better brother and Henry Stepheenson.

Berjson zed vs Faker Leblanc

The top 1 is Bjergson zed highlights the bottom one is Faker Leblanc highlights comment what one you think is better Bjerg or Faker I think Berj's zed do you too?

Orange eater instalok nightcore

this is orange eater instalok nightcore nightcore being at super speed.

Thursday 25 June 2015